martes, 2 de enero de 2024

OSR Metazoid (The Thing)



HD: 7

AC: 6[13]

Attk: 1 bite(2d8), 1 pseudopod(1d6), Acid Spray 30/60 ft. (1d10)

Save: 9

Special: Absorption, Acid Spray, Mimicry, Rapid Mutation, Regeneration, Shape-shifting.

Move: 30 ft., climb 30 ft., plus any additional speeds granted by it's current form

No. Appearing: 1

Alignment: Chaotic/Evil

CL/XP: 8/800

Size: Variable

Description: "The Metazoid" is an extraterrestrial organism capable of assimilating and imitating other life forms. It has the ability to perfectly mimic the appearance and behavior of the organisms it absorbs. The creature is highly adaptive and possesses a wide range of forms, each with unique abilities. It is a master of deception, making it difficult for characters to discern who among them might be the Metazoid. The Metazoid is a symbol of paranoia, distrust, and the unknown.

Absorption: After reducing a creature to 0 HP if the creature is grappled by The Metazoid it can assimilate the life form by making physical contact during 1d4+1 minutes for medium or small creatures. This process involves the absorption and rearrangement of the organism's cells, allowing the Metazoid to seamlessly integrate the characteristics of its victims. It can choose to stop the process but this means it can’t shapeshift into the creature.

Acid Spray: In certain forms, the Metazoid can release a corrosive acid as a ranged attack. The acid is capable of causing damage to both living creatures and inanimate objects within its range.

Mimicry: The creature's mimicry is so precise that it can imitate the vocalizations, mannerisms, and behavior of the organisms it copies. This adds an extra layer of deception, making it challenging for characters to identify the imposter.

Rapid Mutation: The Metazoid rapidly grows a new limb or other body part, which it immediately uses. It can have up to two different mutations at one time. No mutation can be used twice in a row. Choose from this list, or roll a d6:




Tentacle. The Metazoid shoots out a long, thin tentacle at a creature within 30ft. And pulls it 15 ft. towards itself. The target must make a save or be grappled.


Maw. The Metazoid grows a large set of jaws, full of needle-like teeth.


Acid Spray. The Metazoid fires out a stream of clear acid.


Chitin. The Metazoid covers part of it's body with a tough, bony exoskeleton. +2 to AC.


Spider Legs. The Metazoid grows Spider/Crab legs and runs or climbs


Wings. The Metazoid grows a pair of wings and flies away.

Regeneration: The Metazoid regains 5 HP at the start of its turn. It has the ability to rapidly regenerate damaged or severed parts of itself including growing a new body from severed parts. If it gets cut in two now there’s TWO Metazoids. Only by burning every single cell or complete disintegration can it be killed.

Shape-shifting: The Metazoid can use its turn to alter its form to mimic any living organism it has assimilated. This allows it to take on the appearance, abilities, and memories of the creature it copies.

Fear of Flames: If the Metazoid takes fire damage, it will try to escape, either by using rapid mutation or mimicry to stop the attack.

CC By Eduardo López

lunes, 1 de enero de 2024

OSR Parasitoid (Xenomorph)


HD: 6

AC: 15

Attk: 2 Claws (2d6), Tail (2d8), Bite (1d8)

Save: 12

Special: Acid Blood, Wall Climbing, Ambush

Move: 30 feet, Climbing 20 feet

No. Appearing: 1d4

Alignment: Chaotic

CL/XP: 8/800

Size: Large


The Parasitoid is a deadly extraterrestrial creature known for its agility, strength, and cunning. Its black exoskeleton is resistant to damage, and it possesses acidic blood that can corrode most materials. Parasitoids are stealthy hunters, capable of climbing walls and ambushing prey. Their life cycle includes various stages:

  • Egg, the queen lays eggs from which a larva will emerge when a warm body is near enough.

  • Larva once hatched the larva needs to find a host in one day or die off.

  • Chrysalis, the larva usually latches to the host’s head and ditches its skin while pushing itself into the host’s body through the mouth. Something in this stage causes the Parasitoid to acquire some of the physical traits of the host’s body.

  • Juvenile, 48 hours after the Chrysalis stage has started a juvenile will burst out of the host’s body (usually from the chest). It will reach adult size in a matter of hours.


There’s four known types of Parasitoid, but so little it’s known about this species that no one dares say it’s the only types that exist, more research needs to be done, something highly dangerous that so far nobody has attempted to do.


HD: 20

AC: -3 [22]

Attk: 2 claws (3d8), 1 bite (4d10), 1 tail(1d10)

Save: 3

Special: Acid Blood (damages attackers on a successful hit), Egg-laying (can lay eggs for creating new Parasitoids)

Move: 40 feet

No. Appearing: 1

Alignment: Chaotic

CL/XP: 20/4,900,000

Size: 20 feet tall, 53 feet long

Has two pairs of arms (one smaller in the chest). Usually attached to an immense ovopositor that it can ditch with some effort but no risk to it's life.

Sentry Drone:

HD: 7

AC: 2 [17]

Attk: 2 claws (2d6), 1 bite (2d8), 1 tail (2d8)

Save: 14

Special: Acid Blood

Move: 60 feet

No. Appearing: 1d4+1

Alignment: Chaotic

CL/XP: 7/600

Size: 7 feet tall, 15 feet long

Has two highly modified small arms on it’s chest that uses to produce a high frequency sound to call soldiers.

Soldier Drone:

HD: 12

AC: 1 [18]

Attk: 2 claws (2d8), 1 bite (3d8), 1 tail(2d10)

Save: 8

Special: Acid Blood

Move: 50 feet

No. Appearing: 1d4

Alignment: Chaotic

CL/XP: 12/2,200

Size: 12 feet tall, 30 feet long

Has long sharp blade like protrusions on it's arms and a stronger bite.

Worker Drone:

HD: 4

AC: 8 [11]

Attk: 1 bite (1d6)

Save: 16

Special: Acid Blood, Hive Resin(cures in 2d6 minutes)

Move: 40 feet

No. Appearing: 2d6

Alignment: Chaotic

CL/XP: 4/120

Size: 4 feet tall, 7 feet long

Pinkish softer shell, and they are the ones charged with creating and maintaining the hive using the resin they secrete. Will not fight unless cornered

CC By Eduardo López

You can download a pdf here:

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

Aqueduct Textures

 My Aqueduct textures for Print & Play tiles, 32mm so you might need to re-size before printing.

Sewer textures, print & play

 Just a few sewer textures I'm using for my Print & Play tiles, 32mm so you might need to down-size before printing.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2021

Ronin Guerrero Urbano

Ronin Guerrero Urbano

Parte Pistolero, parte Samurai 100% letal; el Guerrero Urbano se especializa en todo tipo de combate y armas. Vestido en armadura pesada y equipado con armas de ultima tecnología, vive (y muere) por sus armas, y cualquier otra cosa que pueda usar para luchar.

El Guerrero Urbano confía en sus herramientas y experiencia para poder salir airoso de toda situación. Si su equipo es acorralado su dominio de las tácticas de combate, armas de todo tipo, lucha cuerpo a cuerpo y técnicas de extracción y evasión pueden ser la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. El Guerrero Urbano es capaz de usar un lápiz para matar y no duda en hacerlo. Es un activo para cualquier equipo y, a menudo, se le encuentra a la vanguardia de la batalla, ¡y eso es lo que le gusta!

Esta es una Benelli calibre 10, le dicen la haceviudas, la tengo cargada con balas AB/explosivas, si no penetran tu armadura la explosión seguro te manda al otro mundo. ¿Quieres probar tu suerte?”

Tabla de progreso
























































Guerrero Urbano Habilidades de Clase

RESTRICCIONES DE ARMAS/ARMADURA: Los Guerreros Urbanos están entrenados en todas las Formas de combate y no tienen restricciones de armadura o armas.

Estilo de combate: El Guerrero Urbano elige un estilo de combate que refleja su enfoque básico y su filosofía de combate.

  • Bruto: El personaje gana un bono de +2 a las tiradas de daño.

  • Móvil: El personaje gana un bono de -1 [+1] a la clase de armadura.

  • Preciso: El personaje gana un bono +1 a acertar con todos los ataques.

Experto en combate: El Guerrero Urbano elige un área de combate en la que sobresale y han recibido entrenamiento adicional.

  • Pistolero: El personaje gana un bono +1 a acertar con armas personales a distancia.

  • Tirador: El personaje obtiene un bono +1 a acertar con artillería y armas pesadas.

  • Espadachín El personaje gana un bono de daño +2 con armas cuerpo a cuerpo.

  • Artista Marcial: Los ataques sin armas del personaje hacen 1d6 de daño.

MÁQUINA DE COMBATE: Contra enemigos de un Dado de Golpe (1 DdG) o menos, los Guerreros Urbanos obtienen ataques adicionales por ronda que solo se pueden ellos pueden usar, hasta un (1) extra por Nivel de Experiencia del Guerrero Urbano.

Sentido de combate: El personaje sabe cuándo agacharse y evadirse. Los Guerreros Urbanos obtienen una bonificación de -1 [+1] a la clase de armadura.

ESPECIALIZACIÓN: Los Guerreros Urbanos reciben +1 para acertar en combate a distancia o cuerpo a cuerpo. Este bono es escogido en la creación del personaje y no puede ser cambiado.

TIRADA DE SALVACIÓN: Los Guerreros Urbanos obtienen +2 en las tiradas de salvación contra la muerte o los venenos.

BONO DE XP POR FUERZA: Los Guerreros Urbanos con una fuerza de 13 o 14 reciben un bono de experiencia del 5%, y aquellos con 15 o más obtienen el 10%.

OSR Metazoid (The Thing)

  Metazoid HD: 7 AC: 6[13] Attk: 1 bite(2d8), 1 pseudopod(1d6), Acid Spray 30/60 ft. (1d10) Save: 9 Special: Absorpt...