HD: 7
AC: 6[13]
Attk: 1 bite(2d8), 1 pseudopod(1d6), Acid Spray 30/60 ft. (1d10)
Save: 9
Special: Absorption, Acid Spray, Mimicry, Rapid Mutation, Regeneration, Shape-shifting.
Move: 30 ft., climb 30 ft., plus any additional speeds granted by it's current form
No. Appearing: 1
Alignment: Chaotic/Evil
CL/XP: 8/800
Size: Variable
Description: "The Metazoid" is an extraterrestrial organism capable of assimilating and imitating other life forms. It has the ability to perfectly mimic the appearance and behavior of the organisms it absorbs. The creature is highly adaptive and possesses a wide range of forms, each with unique abilities. It is a master of deception, making it difficult for characters to discern who among them might be the Metazoid. The Metazoid is a symbol of paranoia, distrust, and the unknown.
Absorption: After reducing a creature to 0 HP if the creature is grappled by The Metazoid it can assimilate the life form by making physical contact during 1d4+1 minutes for medium or small creatures. This process involves the absorption and rearrangement of the organism's cells, allowing the Metazoid to seamlessly integrate the characteristics of its victims. It can choose to stop the process but this means it can’t shapeshift into the creature.
Acid Spray: In certain forms, the Metazoid can release a corrosive acid as a ranged attack. The acid is capable of causing damage to both living creatures and inanimate objects within its range.
Mimicry: The creature's mimicry is so precise that it can imitate the vocalizations, mannerisms, and behavior of the organisms it copies. This adds an extra layer of deception, making it challenging for characters to identify the imposter.
Rapid Mutation: The Metazoid rapidly grows a new limb or other body part, which it immediately uses. It can have up to two different mutations at one time. No mutation can be used twice in a row. Choose from this list, or roll a d6:
d6 |
Mutation |
1 |
Tentacle. The Metazoid shoots out a long, thin tentacle at a creature within 30ft. And pulls it 15 ft. towards itself. The target must make a save or be grappled. |
2 |
Maw. The Metazoid grows a large set of jaws, full of needle-like teeth. |
3 |
Acid Spray. The Metazoid fires out a stream of clear acid. |
4 |
Chitin. The Metazoid covers part of it's body with a tough, bony exoskeleton. +2 to AC. |
5 |
Spider Legs. The Metazoid grows Spider/Crab legs and runs or climbs |
6 |
Wings. The Metazoid grows a pair of wings and flies away. |
Regeneration: The Metazoid regains 5 HP at the start of its turn. It has the ability to rapidly regenerate damaged or severed parts of itself including growing a new body from severed parts. If it gets cut in two now there’s TWO Metazoids. Only by burning every single cell or complete disintegration can it be killed.
Shape-shifting: The Metazoid can use its turn to alter its form to mimic any living organism it has assimilated. This allows it to take on the appearance, abilities, and memories of the creature it copies.
Fear of Flames: If the Metazoid takes fire damage, it will try to escape, either by using rapid mutation or mimicry to stop the attack.
CC By Eduardo López
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