In computer science we have the KISS principle, it holds true when designing the loop of a video game or a #TTRPG 2 alignments only Good & Evil. Why? Chaos and Order aren't moral options. Keep It Simple Stupid & Make it heaven vs hell.
Taking a page from HP Lovecraft, are mortals even capable of knowing/understanding the true form of the Gods? No, no & no, Therefore the God of Thunder is Chaac=Thor=Shango=Perun Different names under different guises for different people. Same holds true for the Demons.
Magic is everywhere, but not everybody can channel it, it takes a especial kind of being to be able to feel it's flow and long years learning to harness it or to be choosen by a supernatural being. And supernatural beings don't give anything for free nor would they share big juju.
Post-Apocaliptic or Post-Post-Apocaliptic? Relevant if you wish to include technology, but any sufficiently advanced tech would seem like magic to the uninitiated. So it's not something I would give much thought.
Now lets think, Gods and Demons ARE real and interact daily with mortals... Does it even make sense to have priests proselitizing? Would the different guises of the Gods lead to religious wars? Are the Gods at War among themselves and With the Demons or it's only Good vs Evil?
All of these questions need to be answered in order to build a world that makes sense and is internally consistent. This is important since it helps with the immerssion of the players, Helps make them feel they're in a real living world that exists beyond their commings and goings in it.
What role would a Paladin play in such a world? Would a Paladin even exist? Would every God have it's own Paladin? Or would all Paladins be just the enforcers of Heaven or Hell?
To be continued.